  • The Curious Traveler

Why We Love When Our Staff Travels

This year, many of our home office staff have been out on the trail. Some of them, twice! Deborah saw Iceland’s Northern Lights and went on an Ireland hiking tour; Ashley hiked New Zealand’s South Island; Michelle hiked Scotland’s Highlands and islands; Katya completed the Tour du Mont Blanc hike and is heading to Bhutan and Laos in November; Karen went on her first Zimbabwe safari; Kristen discovered the hiking and wines of Slovenia and will be kayaking and snorkeling in Palau in November; and finally, Matt will be off to scout our Cuba adventure.

Deborah in Iceland

Phew! That’s a lot of miles and destinations!

So, why do we do this? Traveling on our own tours supports all of our Core Values—committing to being the best in everything we do, being adventurous, traveling responsibly, seeking authenticity, and valuing connections. And, what do we do while on our tours?

For new hiking tours, it’s imperative that we know first-hand what we are offering and that the information we provide is accurate. We take notes to bring back to the home team—what was great and what needs to be tweaked. We check on hotel amenities, vegetarian options at restaurants, and that the hiking mileage is correct. We want to ensure that the itinerary works well, showcases the best of the region, and is in line with the theme and level of the tour. It’s also so much better to be able to speak to people about a tour we have personally experienced! It helps us do our jobs better by providing the best information possible to our guests.

Karen in Zimbabwe

For our well-known itineraries, we like to do quality control checks every few years. We check out the current hotels and restaurants and visit new ones for fresh options. We like to introduce ourselves and meet the people we work with in the destinations we visit—hotel proprietors, restaurateurs, our team of guides, any activity or excursion partners we may have. It makes it so much nicer when emailing or speaking with them to have a face to put with the name and make connections that enhance our guests’ experience.

Ashley in New Zealand

Sometimes, we arrive a bit before or stay after an adventure tour, so we can take part in new experiences that we may consider incorporating into our itineraries—alternate hiking routes, visits to local artists, a traditional dance demonstration, or a different historical site. We often have time to check out some things that we can recommend to guests for pre- or post-tour days on their own.

And finally, it’s good to have multiple people in the office with knowledge of a particular destination, it only helps to provide better service to our guests and anyone interested in taking a trip of a lifetime with Boundless Journeys.

So, to wrap it up, we love it when our staff gets out of the office to travel (and they usually bring back edible souvenirs!). If you want to chat with anyone about their travels and experiences in a destination, don’t be shy—give us a call at 1.800.941.8010, or contact us.


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